Friday 19 December 2014

5 reason you should take a study break this Christmas

I admit, that a 'thesis holiday' sat in my meeting agenda with my supervisor for well over a month! It wasn't until my supervisor gave me the instruction that for two weeks I was to do no writing on my thesis. that my 'holiday' was scheduled. I can't not write though. So my supervisor gave me 'permission' to write anything else except my thesis. This is great as I can still write my ebook and the edited book chapter that was accepted (but not on my thesis topic!). But, I still need a break. I'm on 'paid work' holidays and I'm mentally prepared to not write or read anything to do with my thesis from this coming Monday BUT, here are 5 big reasons, I know my supervisor wants me to ensure I take a study break:

1. Sustainability - I need to avoid burnout. I need to start with a fresh mind in the new year.

2. Spend quality time with my friends and family- admit it- friends and some family get neglected during the PhD journey! Christmas time is about being with the important people In your life.

3. Mind break: everyone's mind needs a holiday every now and again- the mind needs to take a break from itself.

4. Reconnect with things you love doing such as beach trips, baking or reading a novel.

5. Sleep, rest, eat repeat. It's the festive season and I love this time of year. Let's enjoy it!

So, are you taking a studybreak? 

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