Tuesday 26 August 2014

Day 1 - on probation

There are lots of little steps to meet the milestones required to complete a PhDrogram.
Today was my first meeting with my supervisor to discuss my project. Although I have had plenty of meetings and catch ups with her, today is the first as a PhD student.

I'm privileged to have a supervisor that is supportive, knowledgeable and that I have already worked with. I always leaving her office more motivated than before.

I now have two months to meet my first milestone deadline- my research plan. I have hit the ground running, which I expected, but I'm still trying to get my head around that I am on my new journey. One that I have been dreaming about for a few years and now it's real.

The next few months, I will be establishing clear goals, scheduling workshops for professional development and writing my Research Plan document. 

Next...Milestone two...

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